The arts are an equal partner within the academic curriculum.
We believe creative expression is fundamental to the human experience and creativity is crucial to a growth mindset. By encouraging a wide exploration of the arts, we enhance adaptability and problem solving skills, and enrich learning in other curricular areas.
Arts at Kirby School are taught by accomplished artists and provide extensive opportunities for student involvement in music, the visual arts, theater and dance.
Students in all art disciplines have a breadth of opportunities to demonstrate their skill in both school-wide and off-campus experiences. These include civic art displays and fine art competitions, music concerts and adjudicated events nationwide, on and off-campus performances as well as connections to a wide variety of field specific opportunities provided through the mentorship of faculty.
A specialized program is available to students who wish to pursue university and professional careers in the arts. The high school Arts Intensive Path (AIP) is a specialized program available to students who wish to pursue university and professional careers in visual or performing arts.