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Cultural Center

Mural spells out %22Empathy%22

Mural by Nate Kawasaki '24 hangs in the Cultural Center.

The inspiration for the Cultural Center comes from the dedication and hard work done by members of the Kirby community over the past several years.

In the spirit of continuing to make progress in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion, we must acknowledge and show gratitude and appreciation to those that have paved the way for the school to carry out this project.

The plan for the cultural center is to continue to foster and maintain some of the core values developed out of specific projects initiated by others. The project will be carried out with the same honesty and integrity that these individuals have modeled for all.

A place to be you

Student plays guitar at open mic
hanging decorations
Party in the cultural center
Students draw in the cultural center

The vision for this physical space is to have a place where all members of the community feel seen and build it into a communal space where all members of the community, especially students, can find support. The current vision statement is a follows:

The Cultural Center is a collective space for all members of the Kirby community to gather and feel seen, connected, and supported. The Cultural Center will foster, encourage, and nurture student connection, community building, as well as define the school culture at large by providing a place to learn and think about pressing issues in our community and the world. The cultural center will be supported and uplifted by our community as a whole where individuals will feel seen and represented.

La visión para este centro cultural se basa en proveer un espacio físico donde diversos miembros de la comunidad se sientan valorados y crear una colectiva donde todos, especialmente los estudiantes, puedan encontrar apoyo.

El centro cultural será un espacio compartido compuesto por todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad, donde podrán reunirse, sentirse valorados, unidos, y apoyados. El centro cultural espera lograr promover, animar, y fomentar una conexión estudiantil, creando comunidad, y en el proceso definir la cultura de nuestra comunidad. Se darán oportunidades para que los estudiantes aprendan y analicen temas de importancia en nuestra comunidad local y alrededor del mundo. El centro cultural será apoyado por la comunidad entera, así haciendo que todos se sientan considerados y representados.