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Athlete Scholar Program

Basketball team huddle

The Athlete Scholars Program is an elective path for high school student athletes.

We want to reward and honor the work of our dedicated student athletes. We also want to make sure that their work is highlighted on their transcripts for colleges. Colleges want to admit student athletes because committing to a high school sport while maintaining academic excellence shows dedication, time management skills, teamwork, and many other qualities that make prospective students appealing in the admissions process.

Athlete Scholar Requirements

Basic Requirements

  • Maintain a minimum 3.0 (B average) GPA
  • Be physically active every semester--either through a Kirby sport or contract fitness*

    • Athlete Scholars must maintain regular attendance at practice and games

  • Represent athletics during at least one admissions or community event per semester

  •  Provide support to at least one Kirby sporting event per semester

    • Examples: lead cheers, take stats, provide bench support to coaches, film games, take photos for Kirby social media, etc.

*Note: The Athlete Scholar Program is also open to contract fitness athletes. If we don't offer your sport at Kirby, bring your sport to us in some way:

  • Develop and/or lead a fitness unit on your sport in SELPH

  • Present on your sport at Griffin Gathering

  • Start a club devoted to your sport

Expansion Options (students who choose to expand the role will earn the title of Athlete Scholar with Distinction)

  • TA a SELPH class

  • Coach or assistant coach a middle school season

  • Organize or facilitate a fundraiser to support Kirby Athletics

  • Commit to being an away game spirit leader for one season

  • Perform as the Kirby Griffin mascot at home games

Kirby Mentor Role

The Athletic Director (Abby Christopher) will mentor all Athlete Scholars in collaboration with the Academic Dean (Jessa Kirk).