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Homework Policy

Student looks at their paper

At Kirby, we believe that homework should be meaningful, engaging, and just a small part of a student’s life and learning. We want our students to have time for after-school sports, music classes, adventures, and time with friends and family.

To ensure this work/life balance for all students:

  • We require that each student in grades 7-12 enroll in at least one study hall period. Each study hall period provides 2.5-3.75 hours of teacher-proctored quiet work time per week. Upperclassmen typically have more than one study hall period.

  • We schedule at least one school-wide homework-free weekend each semester.

  • We institute strict homework limits (see below) for each grade and subject. Homework maximums are supported by research and help to keep homework expectations aligned with each student’s age and developmental stage.