Diversity and Inclusion
A diverse community is not a destination, it's a conscious, ever-deepening process of:
- Infusing diverse voices and perspectives within the curriculum
- Ensuring that students’ voices are respected and respectful
- Fostering curiosity about and respect for others within our community
- Creating a safe space where differences are accepted, explored and understood
- Challenging preconceptions and prejudices
- Allocating resources to admit and retain students who will enrich the diversity of the student community
- Allocating resources to recruit and retain teachers, administrators, and staff who will enrich the diversity of the community
Executing on these goals fundamentally enriches the education of every student on our campus.
Community Wide Protocol for Microaggressions
Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day
When I came to Kirby, I realized that Kirby has an entirely different kind of community and mindset than I was used to. I was accepted for who I was. Not only was I accepted; I was valued. At Kirby, there is no right way to be and no right way to think. It’s only important that you think.Kirby 8th Grader
Training Staff
Spanish Language Translation Team
All major communications (including the weekly newsletter) are available to families in both Spanish and English thanks to our Translation Team: Yakira Landaverry and Fatima Zavala-Ruiz.